On March 31, Iowa Interfaith Power & Light organized a solar tour in Eastern Iowa, inviting local elected officials to learn about solar and why organizations in the area choose solar power. Here at Prairiewoods, we choose solar for a number of reasons:

1) Solar (renewable energy) fits deeply with our missions and core values of caring for creation

2) Solar power helps us be a place where people can come and learn about many ways that individuals and businesses can incorporate eco-friendly practices and systems into their lives—whether it be installing a photovoltaic solar array or making a rain barrel

3) Benefits are three-fold: environmental, financial and educational

Prairiewoods has a 100-unit photovoltaic (PV) array that is tied into the Alliant Energy utility system. (We have other solar units on site that are off-grid and store energy in batteries.) This 17.5-kilowatt system provides about half of our electricity needs. It was installed in 2009 and 2010.

I loved sharing our solar story with some of our elected officials at the city and state level. Renewable energy is on the rise, but people are still largely unaware of how these systems work and opportunities to see them in operation are still fairly uncommon. Thankfully Prairiewoods is a great place to come and learn more, as well as see renewable energy systems and eco-friendly practices in person! Do you have a group that wants a tour of our many eco-features? If so, get in touch with me here at Prairiewoods!

We love solar here at Prairiewoods, and thankfully the sun loves us too … and I am reminded of that great love when I read this short poem:

The Sun Never Says
by Hafiz

All this time
The Sun never says to Earth,

“You Owe Me.”

What happens
With a love like that,
It lights the whole sky.

—Emelia Sautter, Prairiewoods ecospirituality coordinator

Posted April 11, 2017