Come back to your breath
Where God resides
Where Spirit inspires
Where you are one with all creation
***You are home***
Alive with the energy of the universe
The power of breath is phenomenal. It awakens us to the energy inside of us and all around us. It connects us with all creation. We share our inhalations and exhalations with the very lungs of the biosphere—our arbor-elders, the trees. Breath is the all-encompassing intranet of our bodily health and well-being. When we are “short of breath,” we panic. Without it, we cease to exist in human form. COVID-19 is attacking our most vulnerable physical selves because it hinders our respiration. If we feel anxious because our breathing is at risk, it’s no wonder.
In Greek, the word for “breath” is pneuma/pneumatos. It is synonymous with spirit. In Latin, “to breathe” is spirare. In Hebrew, “breath” is ruach. Visualize that poignant image from Genesis 1:2 of the divine Spirit/Breath of God hovering over the waters, stirring all creation into life. Imagine how connected we all are every moment we inhale and exhale. The deep connection is there every moment we catch our breath at the sight of our beloved, or we hold our breath until someone is safe from danger. We can feel our creative connection every time we “breathe life into” a new idea or dream. Remember that image of Jesus breathing on the disciples to carry his mission of love and forgiveness to all creation. “Receive the Holy Spirit (hagiou pneumatos)!” he told them. They were receiving his most profound gift—the breath of life itself—which gave birth to their community. Don’t we do the same? Isn’t it a true celebration of familial connection when we gather around a little one at her/his first Birthday, all singing “Happy Birthday to you!” and waiting for that precious babe to discover the power of breath directed to a flame—all with the help and power of the first communal breath. What a blessing.
These days, many are washing their hands while singing “Happy Birthday to you!” It’s like a call to prayer, to return to our communal Breath. Imagine all of us summoning the great communal Breath to protect and strengthen, to unite and inspire, to bring forth new life. Are we breathing each other through our global laboring pains, mid-wifing a new evolutionary stage of human community?
Dan Brule, a disciple of Ram Dass, says, “Spiritual breathing makes it clear that the original creative life force energy that built our bodies in the womb is still available to us, to maintain and even rebuild the body … Breath connects us to each other, and it connects all of us to God, nature and existence. Every breath can be a prayer, an invitation, a demonstration of our faith, our trust. It can be an expression of forgiveness, gratitude and surrender” (The Healing Power of Spiritual Breathing, 19).
A Celebration of Communal Breath:
We take a moment.
We close our eyes.We inhale. (The power of God is within us.)
We exhale. (The grace of God surrounds us.)Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
—Laura Weber, Prairiewoods associate-director and retreats coordinator