Gossamer Grace

Thin translucent thread of life and death Spinning and twirling in the slightest and soft held embrace of the earth’s breath Glistening in the sun, awe inspiring chaotic intertwined dance of perfection Viability and ruination front and center, all defining, but meaningless on this gossamer space ride An instance of landing with both grace and…

Starting a Retreat

A long afternoon of light on the edge of the forest not in the thick of it yet, the door cracked open watching the wind stir the late-hanging leaves, the stems of grasses, the shadows stretching toward me while the sky stretches higher and higher and whatever I had in mind to accomplish is not…

A Season to Welcome!

As we anticipate celebrating the Winter Solstice, reconnecting with family and friends, and simultaneously search for alternative gifts that address, educate, and impact economic, environmental and racial inequity, you might desire to support an initiative by Families Belong Together. In support of this initiative, we invite you to celebrate this season of giving by writing…

Word of the Year

Each December, as one year winds down and another is just a glimmer of possibility, I try to encapsulate the outgoing year—and how I experienced it—in a single word or phrase. The year I regained my health by losing weight, went skydiving and took a pilgrimage to Italy with my mother, my word was Joy.…

An Advent Tradition

In the Andy Williams song, “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” there is a line that, to many, seems out of place. “There’ll be scary ghost stories, and tales of the glories of Christmases long, long ago …” To understand what the song is referencing, one must remember that many Christmas traditions grew out…

Resting & Reflecting

What is it about this time of year— this season of late fall— that invites rest and reflection? I am given quiet mornings among pines and golden grasses Will I accept the invitation? Will I sit and listen? Will I rest and reflect? I might. I might get swept away with business and to-do lists…

Neither Out Far Nor In Deep

Neither Out Far Nor In Deep The people along the sand All turn and look one way. They turn their back on the land. They look at the sea all day. As long as it takes to pass A ship keeps raising its hull; The wetter ground like glass Reflects a standing gull The land may vary more; But wherever the truth may be– The water comes ashore, And the people look at the sea. They cannot look out far. They cannot look in deep. But when was that ever a bar To any watch they keep? —Robert Frost Those of us who identify as seekers know the struggle. Life continually presents the opportunity to awaken to a higher nature or purpose. It takes a conscious effort to combat inertia.…

Get Curious about COP26

COP26 is happening Oct. 31–Nov. 12, 2021! COP stands for Conference of the Parties. The Parties include the 196 countries and the EU who signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) treaty in 1994. That treaty established an international, environmental agreement to combat “dangerous human interference with the climate system,” committing to…