Embodied Prayer

I was moved by Sister Ann Jackson’s blog last week entitled “Coming Home.” What especially spoke to me was the stanza from the poem she shared by Jane Hooper as cited in Cynthia Bourgeault’s book The Wisdom Way of Knowing (p. 38–40). Please come home. Please come home INTO YOUR OWN BODY. Your own vessel, your…

Coming Home

People across the world approach this profound change in daily living and long for expression. Some experience this time as a sacred invitation to discover a new sense of home—locally and globally—deeper and more expansive. This beautiful poem below by Jane Hooper, cited in Cynthia Bourgeault’s The Wisdom Way of Knowing, and Sara Thomsen’s beautiful…


Like many of you, I have been struggling with my own fear and anxiety as this pandemic continues to unfold. As the director of Prairiewoods, I hope to make the best decisions to care for the people we serve and for the people who work here—aware that lives and livelihoods may hang in the balance.…