Thoughts on Inauguration Day

I love Prairiewoods’ mission to be “a sacred space where people of all faiths and cultures are invited to explore and nurture their relationships with the Source of all being, Earth, self and others with an increasing awareness of the story of the Universe.” The story of the Universe. From our website: As theologian Elizabeth…


Family Trees

Trees are on my mind these days. This Saturday, we’ll have a Women in Interfaith Dialogue conversation about the trees we’ve known and loved throughout our lives, as well as our spiritual connection with trees personally and within our faith traditions. Then next week (Jan. 25–29) we have a wonderful series of Treasuring Our Trees…


In Times of Trouble, The Good Doctor Prescribes Love

An essay published in Christian Century by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in 1957, “Nonviolence and Racial Justice,” echoes afresh in light of current events (Christian Century 74, Feb. 6, 1957: 165–67). In the era of “Black Lives Matter” and the most recent violent foment on Jan. 6 committed at the Capitol in Washington, D.C., so many of us find…



In the midst of seemingly contrasting energies in this country and throughout the world, we may be challenged to know what and how to pray. Nan C. Merrill, Psalm scholar and author of Lumen Christi … Holy Wisdom and Psalms for Praying: An Invitation to Wholeness, encourages prayerful meditation of the challenge to continue to…


Blessing in a Time of Violence

This—as much as any other period in recent history—feels like a time of violence, a time of open hostility and conflict. The world seems dichotomous, as though half of our family and friends are in a completely different world than where we find ourselves. Because of that division, I’m called to the words of Jan…


Examining Our Anger

“We should not be ashamed of anger. It’s a very good and a very powerful thing that motivates us. But what we need to be ashamed of is the way we abuse it.” —Mahatma Ghandi Yesterday, I happened upon one of those parody songs that have been proliferating on social media since the start of…


Sensing the Season

I am listening to the winter season Watching the sunrises and sunsets Marveling at icy fog in the mornings Noticing the beauty of animal tracks in the snow Feeling the pull of the frozen river Meeting sun dogs in the cold My eye following eagles as they disappear in the sun And praying, praying for…


Don’t Underestimate These Two Little Words

When it’s heartfelt, it feels good to say and it certainly feels good to hear! But sometimes the abundance of our lives seems to drain us. Sometimes we’re sad. Sometimes we’re distracted. It’s hard in those moments to remember to take this natural medicine. But it helps to know how gratitude impacts our brains on…


Seeking the Divine in the Darkness

In spite of the chaos that unfolds in Washington, D.C., this week, we invite everyone to pray for the country, for leaders, for global citizens and for all of creation. The very first verses of Scripture, Genesis 1:2, inform the three Abrahamic traditions: “The Divine Spirit breathed over the waters of chaos and brought forth…


A Kelson of the Creation is Love

“Justice in the life and conduct of the State is possible only as first it resides in the hearts and souls of the citizens.” —Plato   “To all people of good will who are working for social justice: never tire of working for a more just world, marked by greater solidarity!” —Pope Francis   When…



“Arise in splendor, Jerusalem! Your Light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you!” —Isaiah 60:1 Epiphany (<Gk.epi+phanein, a manifestation, an appearance, a bringing to light) signifies one of the oldest notions of creation from Greek mythology. The primordial god of creation and reproduction in the Orphic cosmogony, Phanes was the progenitor of…


Normality on Retreat

Can and should the concept of normality, and therefore the expectation of it, go on retreat, not just during this time of pandemic, but always? Should the use of this word, currently said with hesitancy and a catch in the throat, be banished always to the category of the trash heap? For myself, or that…


Beginning Again in 2021

The New Year threshold might feel something like a raucous homecoming after what we have all just lived through in 2020. Perhaps like the Prodigal Father of Luke’s famous parable, known for his outrageous welcome and embrace of the Younger Son who has disgraced himself and his family, enraged his righteous Elder Brother, dishonored his…


Happy New Year!

Our entire Prairiewoods staff celebrates with you as we turn a new year. In the depth of our hearts, we know this turning as so much more than a calendar page. This great turning of time acutely attunes our awareness to an ever-present, loving invitation to loosen our attachment to all we have associated with…


Word of the Year Ahead

Two weeks ago, my blog post Word of the Year talked about how beneficial it can be to name the outgoing year with a single word. It can act as the period at the end of the year’s sentence—the summation of a whole year of highs and lows, insights and feelings, growths and setbacks. I…


Active Waiting

“We may have ten possible images of tomorrow and for each one of these there may be ten images of the next day, giving a hundred possible images of the day after tomorrow and a thousand of the day after that, and so on, which means that the uncertainty of the future increases rapidly as…


Meditations for a New Year

A few years back my Grandma gave me a lovely book of daily meditations called The Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have by Mark Nepo. (My Grandma knows all the good books!) This book is written as a daily reader. Each day there is a…


Who Comes Like the Dawn

“Who is this that grows like the dawn, As beautiful as the full moon, As pure as the sun, As awesome as an army with banners?” —Song of Songs 6:10, New American Bible Love stories are best told with music and poetry, and the best ones sing us with timeless wisdom and beauty. Love stories touch us…


Merry Christmas!

The ancient story retold again and again and again through the centuries, conveyed via comic ( and cosmos ( and, enlivens us anew THIS Christmas Day, 2020! The very energy that stirred people over 2000 years ago to travel to see and celebrate the radiant birth of Jesus still fascinates and animates us today.…


Finding the Light of Christmas

I’ll admit it—I love the over-the-top-ness of Christmas. I love finding—or even better, making—the perfect gifts for family, friends and coworkers. I enjoy watching cheesy holiday movies on the Hallmark channel as I wrap presents in shimmering paper, ribbons and homemade gift tags. I love seeing the light displays in my neighborhood as we take…
