A Kelson of the Creation is Love

“Justice in the life and conduct of the State is possible only as first it resides in the hearts and souls of the citizens.” —Plato   “To all people of good will who are working for social justice: never tire of working for a more just world, marked by greater solidarity!” —Pope Francis   When…



“Arise in splendor, Jerusalem! Your Light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you!” —Isaiah 60:1 Epiphany (<Gk.epi+phanein, a manifestation, an appearance, a bringing to light) signifies one of the oldest notions of creation from Greek mythology. The primordial god of creation and reproduction in the Orphic cosmogony, Phanes was the progenitor of…


Normality on Retreat

Can and should the concept of normality, and therefore the expectation of it, go on retreat, not just during this time of pandemic, but always? Should the use of this word, currently said with hesitancy and a catch in the throat, be banished always to the category of the trash heap? For myself, or that…


Beginning Again in 2021

The New Year threshold might feel something like a raucous homecoming after what we have all just lived through in 2020. Perhaps like the Prodigal Father of Luke’s famous parable, known for his outrageous welcome and embrace of the Younger Son who has disgraced himself and his family, enraged his righteous Elder Brother, dishonored his…


Happy New Year!

Our entire Prairiewoods staff celebrates with you as we turn a new year. In the depth of our hearts, we know this turning as so much more than a calendar page. This great turning of time acutely attunes our awareness to an ever-present, loving invitation to loosen our attachment to all we have associated with…


Word of the Year Ahead

Two weeks ago, my blog post Word of the Year talked about how beneficial it can be to name the outgoing year with a single word. It can act as the period at the end of the year’s sentence—the summation of a whole year of highs and lows, insights and feelings, growths and setbacks. I…


Active Waiting

“We may have ten possible images of tomorrow and for each one of these there may be ten images of the next day, giving a hundred possible images of the day after tomorrow and a thousand of the day after that, and so on, which means that the uncertainty of the future increases rapidly as…


Meditations for a New Year

A few years back my Grandma gave me a lovely book of daily meditations called The Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have by Mark Nepo. (My Grandma knows all the good books!) This book is written as a daily reader. Each day there is a…


Who Comes Like the Dawn

“Who is this that grows like the dawn, As beautiful as the full moon, As pure as the sun, As awesome as an army with banners?” —Song of Songs 6:10, New American Bible Love stories are best told with music and poetry, and the best ones sing us with timeless wisdom and beauty. Love stories touch us…


Merry Christmas!

The ancient story retold again and again and again through the centuries, conveyed via comic (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeVDOu2_Fuc) and cosmos (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMMkWvGz9jI and https://www.actionnewsnow.com/content/links/Watch-Live-See-the-Great-Conjunction-Christmas-Star-of-2020-573451941.html), enlivens us anew THIS Christmas Day, 2020! The very energy that stirred people over 2000 years ago to travel to see and celebrate the radiant birth of Jesus still fascinates and animates us today.…


Finding the Light of Christmas

I’ll admit it—I love the over-the-top-ness of Christmas. I love finding—or even better, making—the perfect gifts for family, friends and coworkers. I enjoy watching cheesy holiday movies on the Hallmark channel as I wrap presents in shimmering paper, ribbons and homemade gift tags. I love seeing the light displays in my neighborhood as we take…


Appreciation of Gifts

In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan, Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone; Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow, In the bleak midwinter, long ago. —Christina Rosetti, “In the Bleak Midwinter”   How silently, how silently The wondrous gift is given So God imparts to human hearts The…


Christmas Carols & Conversation

Do you have a favorite Christmas carol? Or several? Do you have fond memories of singing with others? I would answer yes to all of the above! I love singing Christmas carols and have memories of the olden days when we used to go door to door in a group singing, usually on Christmas Eve-Eve,…


Ghosts That Haunt Us, Ghost Stories That Make Us Whole

The idea of ghosts may give us goosebumps. “Ghosts” are spirits. The etymological derivation is interesting: Ghost < Old English gast, breath, and < proto West Germanic, gaistaz; source also of Old Saxon gest, Old Frisian jest, Middle Dutch gheest, Dutch geest, German Geist “spirit, ghost.” This is conjectured to be from a PIE root gheis-, used in forming words involving the notions…


Abiding in God

This beautiful time of the year, we celebrate and ritualize lots of wonderful endings and new beginnings. Some hearts are comforted by the scripture story of the Nativity scene, the birth of a new baby to a man and woman accompanied by resting sheep, donkey and “lowly cattle” enveloped on a beautiful starry night. Jesus…


Word of the Year

Each December as one year comes to a close and another is just a glimmer of possibility, I try to encapsulate the outgoing year—and how I experienced it—in a single word. The year I regained my health by losing weight, went skydiving and took a pilgrimage to Italy with my mother, my word was Joy.…


A Prayer for Your Wild Soul

John O’Donohue encouraged us to not only pray, but to create or fashion a prayer that expresses the longing and beauty of our hearts. I wanted to share this powerful guidance as an invitation to create your own prayer with intention. Even if you do not go so far as to memorize the prayer, the…


The Light in Everyone

The winter solstice is coming up on Monday, Dec. 21. This is the shortest day and the longest night of the year and the first official day of winter. As I ponder this special time of year both seasonally and spiritually, I am holding a beautiful song in my heart called The Longest Night of…


The Sign of the Babe

“And this will be a sign for you: you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.” —Luke 2:12, New American Bible The signs of the times are all around us. They offer a message that’s open to interpretation and they also call us to respond in some way. Sometimes it…



I have a lot of milkweed in my wildflower garden and around my yard. Milkweed seems to exhibit a kind of faith growing where they go, persevering, relinquishing what is not needed, and bringing joy like caterpillars and butterflies! My plants had their start with one of the FSPA sisters, and I would like to…
