
“I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.” —J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King Friday night, I sat with a friend in her driveway, many feet apart from one another, as dusk gave way to night. Around us, her once beautifully wooded neighborhood looked like it had suffered…


Grandmother Trees and Phantom Limbs

Grandmother Oak still stands! I was so happy to read those words in a text from Prairiewoods Director Jenifer Hanson following the derecho storm. Like many others, soon after the storm ended, I thought about Prairiewoods, hoping and praying that everyone was all right. I was sad to hear that many trees at Prairiewoods were…


Not Our Trees

Thank you to everyone in Prairiewoods’ mycelial network for the outpouring of love and support and shared sadness in the aftermath of the Aug. 10 derecho, which decimated the tree canopy in Cedar Rapids. This poem was composed for love of our fallen arbor-elders in the wake of a devastating loss for this bio-region and beyond.…


Praying the Labyrinth

You’re always welcome to pray the outdoor labyrinth at Prairiewoods. Walking the labyrinth is a powerful, embodied prayer experience. I love this particular prayer form and have had a unique experience each time I do it. I remember years ago, the first time I walked the labyrinth at Prairiewoods, I actually felt some discomfort. Am…


Beans, Butterflies and Cosmos

This probably sounds like an odd combination, but I’ve been pondering beans, butterflies and cosmos these days. All are abundant in my garden and yard. The vegetable garden is in full harvest mode—beans, peppers, tomatoes, kale, dill, basil. And then there are all the herbs just outside my back door—sage, oregano, thyme, garlic chives, mint…


“Wild Thing! You Make My Heart Sing!” 

Relating with Our Creature-Kin, Part 2 On last Sunday’s blog, we began exploring the wild world of our creature-kin. ( We looked at our perception of other-than-human kin in their own integrity, rather than who they are solely in relationship to us humans. Now we shift our attention to our ethics, our practical ways of relating…


What Do You See at Prairiewoods?

During this time of pandemic and PanDeepening, the land at Prairiewoods remains open to visitors. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a many-time visitor, we’d love to see what you’re seeing at Prairiewoods and hear about your experiences. Here is our map of the beautiful 70 acres, as well as our photo scavenger hunt: Trail…


A Path to Peace

Compelling energy—the thousands of activists who over fifty years ago in 1963 committed themselves to nonviolence and marched courageously in Birmingham for all. Spawning several grassroots movements, Dr. Martin Luther King’s candid “Letter from Birmingham City Jail” called people to pledge not only to march for justice, but also to make active nonviolence a way…


Welcome to This Circle

Twelve years ago, my husband and I had a somewhat untraditional wedding. We rented a large inn for the weekend and invited our close friends and family to come celebrate and help us create the perfect weekend. One friend helped me buy all the food, and my aunt cooked it. My mom made the flower…


Hidden Things

Each day—sometimes two or three times a day—I go outside for a contemplative walk. Sometimes I walk far into the woods, sometimes to the edge of the river and sometimes I’ll just walk right outside my door to touch my bare feet to the Earth. Sometimes I find myself singing a prayerful song called “Hidden…


Echo Chambers

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” —Mark Twain Notable figures throughout human history have worked as changemakers, for good and ill. Was it easier to change the way things were 20 years ago? Unlikely. Change is, by its very nature, a stretching of the…


“Wild Thing! You Make My Heart Sing!”

For Love of Our Creature-Kin, Part 1 In the Harry Potter world where magic’s power is felt most profoundly within the protection of love, Newt Scamander is a wizard for our times. He speaks, lives and breathes with the beasts. In the first film of the series, “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,” Newt…


Midwife to the Woods

Prairiewoods is pleased to announce the release of a new book of poetry, Outstretched Boughs, that celebrates the spirituality of trees, especially those found on the 70 acres of land known as Prairiewoods. It was created in loving memory of Kathy Decker and Betty Daugherty, FSPA, and features original poetry and photography from more than…


Feasting on Transformation

This week I’ve been feasting on these beauties! Cherry tomatoes and peaches—each morning, a prayer. Once a small seed nourished over time by loving heart, sun, moon, wind, rain, stars, tender hands … they ripen seemingly simply sitting on the kitchen counter. Each morning’s prayer, I count myself so blessed to have somehow through anticipation…


Lord God, Heal Me

Let’s be real here. When we’re truly struggling, it can be hard to put words to the unrest in our soul. Connecting with our Creator can feel insurmountable. In trying times, I find that I fall back on the simple repetition of a mantra, a hymn from childhood or a memorized line of scripture. When…


Reset After the Pandemic, More or Less

Less driving, more walking and biking More waving and smiling as we pass one another Less traffic, more birdsong, more pausing to listen to the birdsong Less shopping, more mending More paring down to what is essential for us to thrive More meals prepared with less rush, eaten with more pleasure Listening to our bodies…


Imagining Our Truest, Most Beautiful Life

I recently read Glennon Doyle’s new book, Untamed. It took me a while to read because each chapter brought up spiritual and emotional crescendos that resonated deeply and widely, inward and outward—and then I felt invited to pause. I actually had to pause because by the end of most chapters I found myself crying a…


A Broken Heart Can Contain the Whole Universe

“The heart that breaks open can contain the whole universe.” —Joanna Macy When the heart is breaking for someone else, the brain warns, “Don’t go too far or there will be nothing left.” Our bodies are well designed to protect us from external threats, emotional and physical. Experiences of trauma and stress can trigger our…


Not Stealing, but Healing Home

On Christmas Eve in 1968, while the astronauts of Apollo 8 circumnavigated the moon, a momentous shift in perspective emerged unexpectedly for human-kind. In the midst of the space module’s scheduled “roll” to capture photos of the moon’s surface, Astronaut Bill Anders noticed a fantastic image arising over his shoulder. “Oh my God!” Anders exclaimed.…
