Group Prepares for Kino Border Initiative Immersion

Relationships: We build bridges of relationships that stretch us to be people of encounter who stand with all suffering in our Earth Community The Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration (FSPA), Prairiewoods’ founding organization, has committed to a Revolution through Encuentro, or deep encounters with others. As part of this, the FSPA Anti-Racism Team commissioned an…


Prayerful Silence

Prairiewoods retreat Prayerful silence, Nature, grace God’s exuberance —Mary Martens, BVM, written while on a Silent Directed Retreat at Prairiewoods   image of the Prairiewoods labyrinth at sunrise by Emily Osweiler   Are you wondering if a Silent Directed Retreat is right for you? We invite you to take time to rest in silence, to…


In Silence

In silence I block out the world so I can know God. In silence I feel my soul so I can know God. In silence I remember the stories of my faith so I can know God. In Silence I know God. —Mary (Zoubek) Mell, written while on a Silent Directed Retreat at Prairiewoods  …


This I Believe

“The call rings forth: imagine a new future in collaboration with Earth’s wisdom, reweave communion with kith and kin, return to the universal tree of life and liveliness.” —Leah Rampy, PhD, Earth and Soul, p. 145 Throughout her book, Leah Rampy tells us to take time to be connected or reconnected to the kith and…


Spiritual Courtyard

The Prairiewoods courtyard is a spiritual intersection red stream flash Left to right Observed if not absorbed yellow stream flash Right to left Do my eyes deceive? Should green be near? Perhaps Earth to sky? This traffic light of mini super beings are simply song birds of the spiritual courtyard enjoying life shared and together.…


Together We Grow

“Behold, my brothers, the spring has come; the earth has received the embrace of the sun and we shall soon see the results of that love! Every seed has awakened and so has all animal life. It is through this mysterious power that we too have our being and we therefore yield to our neighbors,…


Transcending Dualism: Healing What Divides Us

Prairiewoods is currently exploring the characteristics of ecological spirituality, and we turn our focus to an examination of dualism versus non-dualism. First, what does dualism mean? Dualism (noun) 1. a theory that considers reality to consist of two irreducible (cannot be reduced or simplified) elements or modes 2. a doctrine that the universe is under…


Working from A Unified Narrative

“The entire material universe speaks of God’s love, God’s boundless affection for us. Soil, water, mountains: everything is a caress of God.” —Pope Francis, Laudato Si’, 84 I was brought up in a split world. There were sacred things and profane things. Heaven and Earth. Right answers and wrong answers, and the person who got…


Tree Hugger

“Trees heal.” —Susan Bauer-Wu, A Future We Can Love A tree in Gatesville, Texas. I grew up in west Texas, where there are few trees, the southernmost part of the Great Plains. My mother, however, grew up in central Texas, where there are many beautiful live oak trees. On a visit to my grandmother, who…


Becoming the Elder Tree

“Elders belong to the earth, honoring all the names of love. They tend the universe, offering blessing to everything wild.” —Belden Lane, The Great Conversation: Nature and the Care of the Soul Prairiewoods’ Grandmother Oak is one of my most important elderhood mentors. She has grown for three centuries into a beautiful arbor elder, living…


Reflections in the Wake of a Derecho

It is my great privilege to live On a North bank of Indian Creek Where in our back yard, The creek flows from East to West. And where forty or fifty yards downstream The creek begins to make a grand U-turn Achieved with great dignity Over another hundred yards or so Which, when once complete…



“Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” —Mary Oliver, Sometimes My lifelong goal as a writer: to articulate the ways that how we treat the earth and the body are deeply rooted, and how grief, love, and care for the natural world in the tending of the dying and dead…


The Divine Shepherd

The Breath is my shepherd in deepest ravines highest mountains. Secured. Assured. Absolute. Divinity of all Creation. Even though organs fail flesh rots kin feed bones whiten  scatter. My shepherd The Breath remains. Divine, Secure, Assured, Absolute, for Eternity. —Keith Knapp, written during a Silent Directed Retreat at Prairiewoods, June 2024   image of a…



My favorite poet, Mary Oliver, wrote in Sometimes: “Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” —Mary Oliver, Sometimes Straightforward, simple directions for telling a bit of my story. When I received a congratulatory birthday note from the Iowa House on my 80th birthday, I gasped in astonishment! “80, how can…


A Breath of Song Podcast Highlights Prairiewoods

After the August 2020 derecho, Laura Weber, former Prairiewoods associate director and retreat coordinator, expressed the emotions and powerful energy of how the storm impacted the lands and life at Prairiewoods. She used deeply expressive language like the “Gentle giants of unwavering peace” to describe the trees. I was especially enamored by the last two…


Our Deeper Memory: Embodying the New Universe Story

The “New Universe Story” by Thomas Berry transforms and redefines our understanding of the 14-billion-year-old evolving universe and our place within it! It takes us from the formation of the galaxies and the origin of Earth and life to the development of self-reflective consciousness. Berry bridges scientific understanding and spiritual consciousness. Rooted in his awareness…


We Are Star Dust, We Are One

Every time I come to Prairiewoods, I stroll along the Cosmic Walk path that marks key moments in the birth and evolution of our universe and our planet home Earth. Every time I am struck by how far I walk, across the creek, up the hill, through the woods, across the ridge—through billions of years…


Start Living

“It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living.” —Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now As we approach the end of May, one of the busiest times of the year, it may bring closure to another school year for students and teachers. People graduate from various training programs and…
