The Earth Loves You Back

A couple of years ago I had two special people in two separate conversations suggest the book Braiding Sweetgrass to me. Sister Nancy suggested it one day when we were talking about books and then not long after that my friend Sara happened to be at Prairiewoods with that very book in her hand. She’d…


No Such Thing as Bad Weather

Last week, when the rain came, I found myself awash in its energy while also dry-of-foot. I walked through the gardens and trails at Prairiewoods and found the message I needed in that moment. Donning my waterproof boots, straw hat and little blue umbrella, I held presence with the rushing stream, the dripping canopy, and…


Circling to Reveal a Wider “We”

Near Stonehenge, the recent discovery of subterranean Neolithic shafts forming a two-kilometer wide ring up to ten meters across and five meters deep around the “super henge” at Durrington Walls has caused quite an archeological stir. The structures have been carbon dated to about 2500 B.C.E. Research on Stonehenge itself has been the focus of…


Holy Wandering

I am familiar with the practice of pilgrimage, having been a pilgrim to the Holy Land and to Rome and Assisi. Pilgrimage is a journey to a holy place, that requires an interior journey as much as an outer one. The Celtic practice of peregrinatio is similar in that it also calls me to sacred…


Practicing Living a Nonviolent Life

As we continue to reflect on the peaceful world that our hearts know is possible, people across the global are realizing that we need to be more conscious about our thoughts, statements, behaviors, biases, prejudices, judgments of self and others. This short TEDxGenova talk, “Own Your Behaviors, Master Your Communication, Determine Your Success,” presented by…


A Blessing Prayer in Difficult Times

A Blessing Prayer in Difficult Times by John O’Donohue May you know tender shelter and healing blessing when you are called to stand in the place of pain. May the places of darkness within you be surprised by light. May you be granted the wisdom to avoid false resistance and when suffering knocks on the…



A few years ago, our associate director, Laura Weber, wandered out to the garden here at Prairiewoods and took a photograph of the compost pile. Thus began one of the all-time great ongoing arguments (alright, more a good-natured verbal sparring than an actual argument). Laura saw the image as deeply beautiful, indicative of the work…


Wisdom on Bookshelves

“It has always been a happy thought to me that the creek runs on all night, new every minute, whether I wish it or know it or care, as a closed book on a shelf continues to whisper to itself its own inexhaustible tale.” ― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek I love this quote…


Practicing Radical Gratitude to Effect Change

“While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart.” —St. Francis of Assisi We are living in a strange time of immediacy. There used to be a time when Amazon primarily evoked an image of a rainforest in South America, and it took effort and…


Trembling on the Brink

While we are all hanging out in this sacred cocoon of “PanDeepening,” it seems like we are trembling on the brink of something totally new, something profoundly alluring and terrifying at the same time. Perhaps it is a new “We” that is bigger, more inclusive, more complex and more dynamic than we ever imagined. How might…


2020 Thresholds

In times of imbalance in body, mind and spirit, I turn to the healing powers of the natural world. On a day when the heart of this retired healthcare worker ached with the rising numbers of COVID-19 deaths, I spent time at my beloved Prairiewoods. My eye caught the bright yellow-green new growth of the…


Nonviolence: A Life-long Meditation

Happy Juneteenth! Observation of June 19th as the African American Emancipation Day continues since 1865 to spread across the United States and beyond. Juneteenth commemorates African American freedom and emphasizes education and achievement. A growing awareness of this celebration in cities across the country invites us to reflect how oppressive racism and pervasive violence imprisons. Amid…


Answering Yes

It all began with an email. Sister Joann Gehling invited me to consider participating in a prayer vigil for several immigrants who have been detained in the Linn County Jail. Some of their hearings were to take place on Wednesday, June 3, at the US District Courthouse. Family members would be present as part of…


More Together Than Alone

“The Chinese philosopher Confucius (551–479 BC) put forth the notion of a social self—a self inextricably linked to the life of others. Each person is not morally autonomous, but a social being whose identity derives from his interaction and conduct within the broader human community. Central to a healthy and enlivened social self is the…


Let Me Be Brave

Each week I look forward to the Tuesday Prayer Experience Series. It is a special and sacred time, made even more beautiful and powerful by a lovely and unique group of people praying together. All are welcome, and each week we have a unique prayer experience with a unique group of people (some newcomers and…


Change is the Great Dream of Every Heart

Has pausing and social distancing awakened in you a call to something more? Are you called to a new way of being? Is there a feeling in your heart that you can’t quiet? In his book of blessings, poet John O’Donohue offers wisdom on crossing “thresholds.” Thresholds are places of transition and change that call…


What Dreams May Come?

“To be, or not to be—that is the question: Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep— No more—and by a sleep to say we end The heartache, and the…


Breathing, Words & Tree Wisdom

Dear Prairiewoods Family, Hello and much love to each of you. This is my last blog post as the ecospirituality coordinator at Prairiewoods. I have been thinking about this post all week, and it is hard to find the words for all that I am feeling as I take my leave of Prairiewoods as the…



“Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.” “Sense the deep resonance of your longing. Invite Great Spirit’s longing to ground you in what you are being called to transform in life.” These opening lines of a recent, world-wide meditation dropped me levels deep into meditation while strolling through the woods at Prairiewoods one evening at dusk.…


This Black Life Matters

Nine years ago, my husband and I moved from Chicago to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to be closer to family. Several weeks after we moved here, we went to a popular family-run breakfast restaurant. We waited in line for a table, only to have the four parties behind us get seated while we were ignored. When…
