What Dreams May Come?

“To be, or not to be—that is the question: Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep— No more—and by a sleep to say we end The heartache, and the…


Breathing, Words & Tree Wisdom

Dear Prairiewoods Family, Hello and much love to each of you. This is my last blog post as the ecospirituality coordinator at Prairiewoods. I have been thinking about this post all week, and it is hard to find the words for all that I am feeling as I take my leave of Prairiewoods as the…



“Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.” “Sense the deep resonance of your longing. Invite Great Spirit’s longing to ground you in what you are being called to transform in life.” These opening lines of a recent, world-wide meditation dropped me levels deep into meditation while strolling through the woods at Prairiewoods one evening at dusk.…


This Black Life Matters

Nine years ago, my husband and I moved from Chicago to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to be closer to family. Several weeks after we moved here, we went to a popular family-run breakfast restaurant. We waited in line for a table, only to have the four parties behind us get seated while we were ignored. When…


Interesting Times

“Hope is holding in creative tension all that is, with everything that could and should be, and each day taking some action to narrow the distance between the two.” —Parker J. Palmer “May you live in interesting times” is supposedly an ancient curse, although its origins are foggy. Still, we know why it is called…


Nature Photography as Self-Portrait

I am practicing nature photography as a prayerful experience and I’ve learned so much from two wonderful books by Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul’s Slow Ripening: 12 Celtic Practices for Seeking the Sacred and Eyes of the Heart: Photography as a Christian Contemplative Practice. Both books are excellent. I’m also deepening my contemplative photography practice…


Hope Flows Freely

What is hope? We often think of hope (or the lack thereof) as a feeling we experience as we move toward a desired outcome. Valentin Tomberg, a French mystic, scholar and hermeticist, asserts that hope is not nearly that limited. In his view, it is more like “a light-force which radiates objectively and which directs…


Words for Today

NOT Domination. Cooperation. Collaboration. Co-Creation. Connection. Communion. We grow deeper together. We are One. Like the vast mycelial network connecting the trees beneath the surface, we are One. In the words of ecologian Thomas Berry, “That the universe is a communion of subjects rather than a collection of objects is the central commitment of the…



Dear Prairiewoods friends, A few years ago, I planted a peony bush in my little yard. This year it is blooming for the first time—there are two blooms! I am beyond excited! Have you ever nuzzled your face into the face of a Peony? It’s, like, the best thing ever; it’s like a silky flower kiss…


“Do you think this is just another day in your life?”

The content of today’s blog comes from Bob Engler and Carol Nilles, great friends of Prairiewoods. They are using this Gratefulness.org video, A Grateful Day with Brother David Steindl-Rast, for daily prayer. Its opening question, “Do you think this is just another day in your life?” invites us to be mindful of all of the…


Meeting the Trees

I value the trees in my yard as friends. We go through the seasons together. Trees give me joy, strength, hope.   Meeting Face to face, or so it feels, we meet, (two sides of a window, the blossoming tree and I) we breathe, we deeply breathe, together, the same soft-bright sky, above us both,…


I Will Not Leave You Comfortless

I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. —John 14:18 There is a wonderfully songful prayer chant inspired by the scripture passage from John 14:18 called “I Will Not Leave You Comfortless” by Jan Phillips from her album All the Way to Heaven. This song is such a comfort and can be…


Breaking Down the Walls of “Self Isolation”

The following is a dipping of the toe by a perpetually novice wisdom seeker with early onset overly active mind syndrome who has several wonderful teachers and countless others. I have been thinking a lot about the term self-isolation recently. The question I ponder is why, when combined, these two terms (i.e., self and isolation)…


The Tao of Presencing

Ahhhh! Breath-taking! Breath-giving! “We breathe in. We breathe out. We breathe in. We breathe out.” We’re meditating with this image today, a bit of visio divina, with a touch of soulful jazz. What do we see? What is the image revealing? What is emerging in the interpretive space between us and the observable “other?” What…


The Monarch in the Web

Hello, dear Prairiewoods family! The other morning, I looked out my kitchen window and saw a monarch butterfly caught in a spider web in the corner of my window. I was both excited to see the monarch and sad that it had been caught in the spider’s web. I wasn’t upset with the spider; I…


Nature Conversations: The Conversational Nature of Reality

“Conversation is perhaps our greatest hope not only for healing the rifts in human understanding but also for restoring and reinspiring our relationship with the natural world, which is our first and most profound home. Care of the world is always essential, and care arises from conversation.” —Thomas Dean, Introduction, Tallgrass Conversations: In Search of…


Love & Say It with Your Life

“Love and say it with your life.” —Augustine of Hippo A recent Saturday afternoon found me driving along gravel roads in rural Benton County, hungry for sites other than the four walls I’ve been staring at for weeks during this spring of self-isolation. I was listening to a podcast called Snap Judgement, and an episode…


Forests & Fairy Godmothers

I just finished reading a truly heart-awakening book called To Speak for the Trees: My Life’s Journey from Ancient Celtic Wisdom to a Healing Vision of the Forest by Diana Beresford-Kroger, a botanist and medical biochemist from Ireland who was orphaned as a young girl and then raised by her wise Celtic community of relatives…
