Rediscovering the Natural World

In the neighborhood where I grew up, there were so many lilac bushes you could get lost in them. Hollyhocks grew wild along the bases of tall limestone walls and bluffs. There was a secret patch of lilies-of-the-valley hidden between my grandfather’s box hedges and the neighbors’ garage. Moss roses grew out of the wall…


Singing is Twice Praying

Sister Joann Gehling, beloved friend (and one of the Prairiewoods foundresses), once told me joyously that “singing is twice praying.” I love this notion and have thought about it many times since Joann shared this with me, a phrase she learned from another FSPA sister who was her choir director. So many beautiful prayers and…


Breathing to Heal

“Breathe deeply, until sweet air extinguishes the burn of fear in your lungs and every breath is a beautiful refusal to become anything less than infinite.” —D. Antoinette Foy   Lovely and evocative words, but if the advice to breathe isn’t working for you, I completely get it. If you’re like me and being told…


Tending the Fire

“And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.” —Genesis 1:3   “The day will come when, after harnessing space, the winds, the tides, and gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of love. And on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, we shall have discovered…


Nature Conversations: Listening

As we practice greater physical distancing and even isolation from people in these days of pandemic, we have the opportunity to embrace a closer relationship with the natural world. But how do we do that? One good way is to start a habit of nature conversations. As I say in the book I co-authored with…


Good Friday: Are we there?

Today amid religious traditions, such as Yom Kippur, a Jewish day of serious reflection, and Ramadan, the Muslim 40 days of fasting, abstinence and prayer, Christians mark the silence and stillness of Good Friday, the holy day between Passover and Easter marked by many as the most somber, reflective day in the Christian year. We…


Embodying the Spirit of Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday, or Maundy Thursday, is one of the holiest days in the Christian calendar. Maundy comes from the Latin word mandatum, which means “command.” It refers to Jesus’ new commandment given on this day to love one another as he has loved us, not superficially, but selflessly. On Holy Thursday—the day before the crucifixion…


What Gifts Are Hiding in the Darkness?

The Tenebrae service, often held on Wednesday of Holy Week, involves the gradual extinguishing of the lights until the church is in darkness. In fact, tenebrae is Latin for darkness, and the service symbolizes the confusion and terror that accompanies the death of Christ. In many ways, going more deeply into this darkness goes against…


Drawing Hope

The family who lives on the corner is busy with their sidewalk chalk, writing friendly messages and drawing rainbows and smiley faces in pretty pastel colors of yellow, pink, light green, baby blue and lavender. They do this, even with rain in the forecast. As I walk along their sidewalk squares I read: We Are…


The Peace of Wild Things

The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and…


Earthening & the Grandeur of God

Earthening & the Grandeur of God Ashes and palm-branches Bookends of Lent Earthening, homing, lengthening, soul-ing Pruning what’s lifeless and spent “Remember Ha-damah (Adam), that you are dust, And unto dust you shall return…” Springtime resurgence Pandemic begone! Deepening, flowing, strengthening, groaning When will we welcome the dawn? “Hosanna! Hosanna! Blessed is the One who…


Sacred Acts

Every morning I go outside, step into my little backyard, get down on my hands and knees and kiss Mother Earth. I push my forehead into her body, I smell her green, soil sweetness, I thank her for loving me and tell her how much I love her. These past few weeks I find myself taking…


In Love and Loss

Today, as we mourn the loss of so many lives, John O’Donohue’s reflection “For the Dying” might assist us as we courageously hold one another in love and loss. And we also offer this beautiful, recorded blessing “Deep Peace” by Bill Douglas as a source of consolation, inspiration, focus, compassion and love.   For the Dying by…


Shelter in Place

For years, the last few in particular, some of us have been reflecting upon how humanity has placed astounding emphasis on exploring every physical inch of this planet and beyond. Piloted by voracious curiosity, the desire to understand and often exploit has driven us “outward” … ever outward. Hurling our bodies and machines in every…


A Hand as Human Connection

A funny thing happened in my fourth week of obsessive hand washing. The act of washing my hands stopped being an interruption, a chore, a necessary but perfunctory ritual, and became a comfort. Suddenly, washing my hands became self care, massage, healing touch. At a time when I haven’t been in the same room as…


Moments That Shimmer

One of the highlights of my day is walking with the land in my neighborhood forest, at Prairiewoods or both. At this time, I am spending more time with my neighborhood forest, going out twice a day and fully noticing the life and breath of the land. This land is a soul friend and a…


Singing Up the Earth

Why do we make things? Art doesn’t have to be beautiful, but the making of art, no doubt, is an act of beauty. We are called to beauty. “Beauty isn’t all about just nice loveliness, like. Beauty is about more rounded, substantial becoming. So I think beauty, in that sense, is about an emerging fullness,…


The Air that We Breathe and the Spirit of God

Come back to your breath Where God resides Where Spirit inspires Where you are one with all creation ***You are home*** Alive with the energy of the universe The power of breath is phenomenal. It awakens us to the energy inside of us and all around us. It connects us with all creation. We share…


Join us Tuesday for Prayer Experience Series

Good morning, Prairiewoods Family! We are going virtual with our weekly Tuesday Prayer Experience Series. Please consider joining us via Zoom this Tuesday, March 31, from 11:30 a.m.–noon, as well as subsequent Tuesdays for the time being. This series offers an opportunity for us to pray together. We are blessed with many ways to pray, ranging…


Go Deeper Thursdays

As you may know, we coined the phrase PanDeepening as we work to see this unique moment in history as an opportunity to go more deeply into all our relationships and interconnections. Each day, we post activities, reflections and thoughts intended to help our community thrive, find ways to hold hope and become our own calm center…
