Choosing Abundance over Scarcity

Arriving on the Prairiewoods grounds on a morning in late summer is like driving into an advertisement for abundance: everywhere we look, there is growth and beauty. Stop for a moment and hear bird song and frogs, the leaves and prairie grasses rustling in a soft breeze. Take a deep breath and smell the earthiness…


Sweetgrass Flute & Nature Festival

Come hear the voice of the land! The third annual Sweetgrass Flute & Nature Festival is coming to Prairiewoods Sept. 29–Oct. 1. This free, family-friendly festival includes live performances by internationally renowned musicians specializing in the music of Native American–style flutes and world flutes. Unlike any other event in the Midwest, Sweetgrass offers abundant opportunities…


The Ancient Tree and the Tyrant

When I see a tyrant, Bloated with ego, I must look beyond His twisted fury At the ancient tree behind him. Then I remember what is real. Those beautiful gnarled branches Still creaking, reaching out Providing shade, even to tyrants. Her roots still pushing Against rock-hard darkness Deep in the ground Under everyone’s feet. Where…


Garden of Eat’n

Have you noticed the many changes happening around the Prairiewoods Center? We’re working with Backyard Abundance to create new permaculture landscaping that features edible landscapes (with lots of veggies and herbs for snacking), a Healing Garden, a mushroom growing area and Outdoor Classrooms. These are all part of the Garden of Eat’n that began this…


Lilies Rising

Lilies Rising The Milky Way is overflowing With mother’s milk that keeps pouring Down, upon the earth. Droplets rooting as lilies. I woke up the day A lily brushed my cheek. Strong stalk and fleshy petals Trumpeted out a mother’s fierce cry- Love the earth and all who dwell upon it! Oh, drink freely from…


Interning at Prairiewoods

My name is Taryn Freilinger. I am a student at Mount Mercy University and graduated in May with a Bachelor’s of Biology and a Bachelor’s of Outdoor Conservation. I am currently interning at Prairiewoods, helping create the Garden of Eat’n in order to fulfill requirements for my Outdoor Conservation degree. When I heard of this…


Practicing Yoga at Prairiewoods

Hatha Way Yoga has been at Prairiewoods for almost 4 years now, and it has been an effortless recipe for calm and well-being. Created by the simplicity and beauty of a natural setting coupled with down to earth and loving people—I can’t think of a better place for yoga! Check out our schedule here. We…


A Reflection on God’s Grandeur

This was written as my reflection following the lecture by Wendy M. Wright and her reading of Gerard Manley Hopkins’ poem God’s Grandeur. As I pondered these things, the Canticle of the Sun came to mind, as did the book my Companion group People of the Earth is reading, Ilia Delio’s Care for Creation: a…



Last week, my niece posted a photograph of her new tattoo: hands, holding the Earth, with the word “Ubuntu” inscribed below it. The next day, I met singer/songwriter Sara Thomsen, and saw her project booklet (from an event combining music, art, poetry) titled Ubuntu. On the third day, I walked into my brother’s home in Chicago…


What can I do to make today a little easier for you?

I am not comfortable with the phrase “beggars can’t be choosers.” Why can’t they be choosers? Someone who has to ask for help is no longer entitled to preferences? A few months ago, I saw a woman standing on the side of the road, asking those who passed by in a little Prius or a…


Egestas quam – in aliquet nibh

Quisque cursus ante mollis eros mattis, ac rutrum augue lacinia. Egestas quam, in aliquet nibh. Donec maximus sed leo sit amet varius. Luisque cursus ante mattiue lacinia. Egestas quam, in sit amet varius mollis eros mattis, ac rutrum augue lacinia!


Solar Love

On March 31, Iowa Interfaith Power & Light organized a solar tour in Eastern Iowa, inviting local elected officials to learn about solar and why organizations in the area choose solar power. Here at Prairiewoods, we choose solar for a number of reasons: 1) Solar (renewable energy) fits deeply with our missions and core values of…


Transformational Singing Bowls

Kathy Broghammer offers regular opportunities to pray and relax with the sounds of singing bowls at Prairiewoods. (Find some upcoming opportunities on our calendar.) Here is her take on the experience … I become an open vessel, one with the bowls. Allowing the vibrations of the bowls to settle in, releasing tensions, calm my mind,…


Echoing a Song is Somewhere to Begin

A song is a gardener It picks up a shovel and starts to dig. Tenderly tips the blade into the burnt and brazed, Crusted, cranky, depleted, impenetrable soil at the surface of the heart Tosses and turns over and around all the scraps, remnants, remains, All the crap, cruelty, and craziness Amending, softening, sifting Activating,…


The Cedar Rapids Floods

  Before you know what kindness really is you must lose things, feel the future dissolve in a moment like salt in a weakened broth. What you held in your hand, what you counted and carefully saved, all this must go so you know how desolate the landscape can be between the regions of kindness…


A Star in Flight

A star in flight— The woods brighter. Flashes with the stardust people. Come out and be with us, the woods say. You too are stardust. Come enter our family. All there Is, is here. All creation. Here—with stars glancing in between shadows on the snow saying come. The woods saying— It is time for stories…


Welcoming Everybody In

Our new blog, Everybody In: a Prairiewoods blog, focuses on various perspectives from people (and animals!) associated with Prairiewoods. Every other Tuesday, we will post a new perspective on ecology, spirituality, holistic health or welcoming “everybody in” to the center of life! Since we found inspiration for the title in Peter Mayer’s song Everybody In,…


Dakota Access Pipeline & the Value of Water

I’m Otis, Prairiewoods’ favorite squirrel, and I’ve taken over this blog for 2016 in honor of Prairiewoods’ 20th anniversary. You’ll hear from me or one of my friends each Friday. My squirrel friends and I live on the banks of Dry Creek, so we understand the value of clean water. Prairiewoods Director Jenifer Hanson grew…
