Grandmother Oak

I sought out Grandmother Oak today for some grand and motherly advice She showed me her scars and her broken parts And said “See how I still rise?” “I have wept many tears for my fallen friends, and for the creatures that didn’t survive. My tears wet the ground and nourished my roots. Now see…


Labyrinth as Fractal

Today I walked the labyrinth with a friend for the first time in quite a while. Little did I know that in that one simple act I would experience the fullness and the heart of all that is Prairiewoods. We walked through the woods on the way to the labyrinth, in golden light, and felt…


Get in the Christmas Spirit at the Holiday Bazaar!

Christmas is less than two months away, and it’s time to get in the holiday spirit! Join us Saturday, Nov. 19, from 8 a.m.–1 p.m. at Prairiewoods for a day of shopping and holiday cheer. The Prairiewoods Holiday Bazaar features more than a dozen local artists creating handcrafted goods. Here’s a sampling of what you…


Shards of Ancient Energy

Why does the willow weep? Why do pears grow in pairs? Do bees pray on their knees? How do Susans get black eyes? Who packs the parachutes the seeds of milkweed need? A face in the bark was looking back at me. Shards of ancient energy. When does old become ancient? —Diane Wheeler Dunn, friend…


Late Fall on the Prairie

The prairie sings in late summer Trilling yellow in the sun Bees buzzing everywhere But I don’t think I’ve heard more Harmony rolling up from the land Than today, October rain turning everything Into a hundred shades of luminous honey From cinnamon to sienna to amber, the sweet hum Of late fall. —Carol Tyx, Prairiewoods…


Let It Be: Re-Wilding Spirituality for the Wider “We”

The concept of “re-wilding” creation takes its cues from a philosophy of “Nature knows best,” by restricting human interference in creation’s own healing as an approach to ecological restoration and wholeness. Eminent biologist E.O. Wilson (1929–2021) had proposed—provocatively—setting aside and protecting half the biosphere for nature to heal and regenerate, and thus restoring balance to a human-befouled…


The Blessing of the Animals? Really?

This weekend Prairiewoods hosts its annual Blessing of the Animals, a beautiful ritual celebrating the deep bonds animals and humans share. The wisdom of age-old stories and cultures tells us that no boundaries exist between animals and humans. Animals relate with humans every day through appearance, behavior, movement and pattern. Anticipating this favorite Blessing of…



We all choose our way To embrace or reject The kin of the park The kin of the pack Standing as tall arbor elders Rock jumping as Sierra Fence lizards Not as master or leader, but as collaborative guide of compassion to nurture and hold that which breathes, that breathes the breath of life here…


Toward a Thriving Future

“Values according to which we conduct our lives will shape the future.” —Jeremy Lent, The Web of Meaning, p. 5 So what are the values that enliven Prairiewoods? What is the future emerging here? For that I look to the core values of the Franciscans who founded Prairiewoods so many years ago. Respect—We honor one…



On a September retreat at Prairiewoods, the trees woke me up. Just outside my second-story guest house window, they were shaking their heads wildly. In the background I could hear the rumble of thunder. It was past midnight, and now it was Mary Oliver’s birthday, September 10. Pieces of her poem “The Journey,” that I…


Blessing of the Animals

Each year, my husband and I and our beloved dogs look forward to Prairiewoods’ annual Blessing of the Animals. It’s a chance for our pups to meet dozens of other dogs, cats, guinea pigs, bunnies, bearded dragons, donkeys, turtles, etc. from around the corridor. (And this year’s Blessing will be extra special for me, because…


Season of Creation

Crises we experience today—spiritual, ecological, political, global—signify that we have lost consciousness (and perhaps conscience) regarding the sacred at the heart of all life. The Season of Creation invites us to re-awaken and transform the way we choose to live, relate and engage with creation. The celebration was birthed in 1989 when the Eastern Orthodox…


Butterfly Heart Effect

Beating flutter of the Divine within Convergence points all, between and among Start of a cry emerged, mothers joy Love contained, first glimpse of wonder Earth arbor and kin, seen and touched The last sigh of life, compassionate connection Deep remembrance, physically undeniable Unsure mind, but unforgotten Body spirit, remembrance of the One, the butterfly…


Buckeye Butterfly

She’s on the ground right in front of me, in the newly mown path that cuts through the prairie, opening and closing her wings as if she’s airing them out, or doing her morning stretches. I almost step over her without a second glance—a small, brown butterfly in the grass—and then she does a full…


Let Your God Love You

I am a marketing and communications coordinator, so I tend to be a person of many words. I spend my days talking on the phone, over Zoom and in person. My time is filled with words written, words spoken, words thought. Even if my mouth is closed, my mind is rarely still. But this week…


Importance of Prairiewoods

As a new Board Member to Prairiewoods, I just want to say why I think Prairiewoods is important. The first thing comes from my faith: “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it” (Psalm 24:1). So caring for creation should derive from your faith, which it does from the foundresses of Prairiewoods, whose spirituality…


“Loving” vs. The Domination Paradigm

Hope for the web of life that is creation is within reach. In light of recent incendiary decisions handed down by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), so much has happened since June 12, 1967, when Loving vs. Virginia concluded—with a unanimous SCOTUS vote—that Virginia’s inter-racial marriage ban had violated the Fourteenth Amendment of the…


A Great Welcome into the Next Step

As the world stirs so much contrasting energy these days, we offer this reflection as a “great welcome” into unity. The video was created by Sister Suzanne Rubenbauer, FSPA, to welcome encounter with I AM. She researched some of Prairiewoods’ foundress Betty Daugherty’s files for wisdom. See The Great Welcome:   Neil Douglas-Klotz offers…
