“We Don’t Talk About (You-Know …) Bruno, No-No-No!”

Humanity needs a break! Having endured the collective traumas of a protracted pandemic, geo-political discord, global upheaval from climate change, the Sixth Great Extinction, massive military conflicts that threaten fragile efforts at “peace,” terrorism, genocide, racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, hate-driven crimes, eco-cide, and socio-cultural and religious melt-downs, we ALL need a break. We need a collective…

Exquisite Gift

The Women of Interfaith Dialogue group gathered virtually for the season of spring. I wrote this poem for the occasion—with great appreciation for Creation’s gift of flowers! Which of your senses are you appreciating the most today? Maybe try writing a poem about it? EXQUISITE GIFT Oh, the palette of petals, the multitudes of flowers,…

Grace and Patience

“When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the…

The Sparrows Sing Their Spring Song

I write this poem in memory of the friends that the Prairiewoods community has lost. THE SPARROWS SING THEIR SPRING SONG The sparrows sing their morning sun song from the soon-to-be-greening boughs. This day, though, breaks without you— our hearts are aching with sorrow. Then, a soft flicker and flutter of feathers— the sparrows rise…

Let’s Celebrate Earth Day

Two weeks from today, we celebrate Earth Day. How will we celebrate? And will we celebrate? Will we spend the day working for Earth justice and committing to a lifetime of Earth care? Shall we treat Earth Day like a special holiday, an important anniversary, a family reunion, a birthday of sorts? Shall we spend…