Magic Kitchen

It happens when I’m not looking: things appear—wrapped packages in the refrigerator or on the table surprises to open—plates of pumpkin bread bowls filled with miso couscous or mango pistachio rice, jars of hardboiled eggs as if elves or fairies had been at work while I slept or read or wrote poems, as if this…

On the Death of Mary Oliver

Mary Oliver, who published more than 15 collections of poems since 1963, was known for her observant, hope-filled responses to nature. As the New Yorker said, “For America’s most beloved poet, paying attention to nature is a springboard to the sacred.” Mary, like Prairiewoods, understood and celebrated the holy intersection of ecology and spirituality, that…

Artist in Residence

We are pleased to welcome Carol Tyx, PhD, as Prairiewoods’ new Artist in Residence. Carol is a gifted poet and the author of two books of poetry, The Fifty Poems and Rising to the Rim. Her newest manuscript, Remembering Achilles: Slicing into Angola’s History, was just awarded the inaugural Willow Run Poetry Book Award. Carol…

Luminescence in Deep December 

“The people who walk in darkness have seen a great light, and on those living in a land of deep darkness, a light has dawned.” —Isaiah 9:2 At Prairiewoods, our other-than-human kin often stop us in our tracks. The leafless trees are moaning all around us, and the dried prairie grasses are whispering their ancient secrets.…

Gratitude for All that has Brought Us Here

In this time of gratitude and generosity, kindness and kinship, we are reminded that we are all one. Nowhere have I felt that more keenly than at the Inter-Religious Council of Linn County’s Annual Thanksgiving Service: The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks. Representatives from a huge variety of faith traditions contributed to the service, including…

The Fire Within

“As Christians, we believe that we bear the image and likeness of God inside of us and that this is our deepest reality … God is fire—wild, infinite, ineffable, non-containable. If that same fire is inside us, and it is, then there are divine appetites inside of us too, appetites that are not ever satiable…