Creative Compassion

How does your creativity inspire you to be compassionate, and how does compassion inspire you to be creative?  Please share your poetry, photographs, art and reflections below. Click here to see a recap of the Rooted in Compassion conference that sparked this conversation.

2014 Spirituality in the 21st Century Speakers Announced

Rooted in Compassion: Cosmology, Eco-Justice and Empathic Wisdom March 28–29, 2014 Come and be energized by Marc Ian Barasch and Drew Dellinger as they inspire, challenge and accompany us in our spiritual journey to renew the face of the earth! Marc Ian Barasch is the award-winning author of The Compassionate Life: Walking the Path of…

2013 Garden Party Sponsors and Donors

The Garden Party is Prairiewoods’ largest fundraiser of the year.  We couldn’t offer the variety of spiritual and ecological programming our guests have come to appreciate without your help! The Prairiewoods board and staff would like to extend a special thank you to those who helped make tonight a success … Special Thanks to Cedar…

Prairiewoods Launches Phase 2 of Engaging Community, Narrating Change

Building community is a complex and life-long journey with relationships residing at its core. Engaging Community, Narrating Change, Prairiewoods’ annual Spirituality in the 21st Century conference, held April 4–5, affirmed just that—relationships! Nearly 500 people “circled up” and leaned into synergetic conversations to find connections in the service of something greater than themselves. Their overall…

Prairiewoods Awarded LEED® Gold Certification

Prairiewoods has been awarded LEED® Gold certification for existing buildings, making it the first nonprofit in Iowa with that honor. LEED is the nation’s preeminent program for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings and was established by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and verified by the Green Building Certification Institute…

Prairiewoods Garden to Grow Vegetables Year-Round

Imagine growing vegetables all through the winter … in a garden in Iowa. It may seem far-fetched, but Prairiewoods is doing it! On Saturday, October 6, twenty-five people from the community helped build a hoop house and install a solar-powered root zone heating system in the Prairiewoods kitchen garden. Since 2010, the Prairiewoods grounds have housed a…