Environmental Reflections, While Cruising

It’s the last day of a four-day cruise. I’ve been to Nassau, Bahamas, Princess Cay Island, and now a day “at sea,” before returning to Port Canaveral, Florida. I am cruising with three great women-friends! I love them. They each are so powerful in their own, unique ways! And we’ve been friends, each one of…

A Big Barred Owl

Our friends were driving us home in their car. We were returning from a wonderful dinner on a summer evening. When we pulled up into our driveway there it was: a big barred owl perched on the top of our entryway roof. It seemed happy to stay as we all exited the car. I pulled…

My Tour of Prairie & Woods

Recently I was treated to a late summer tour of Prairiewoods by Aaron Brewer, the Land Sustainability Coordinator. The weather was perfect, with clear skies and a lovely mix of late summer heat and autumn light. We rode in the “Mule,” the all-terrain vehicle that I’ve often watched Sister Nancy Hoffman drive fearlessly over the…

Seeing What Has Been Overlooked

“Everything that exists has its true name. The power of magic is nothing more than the power to command, based on the knowledge of the thing’s true nature.” —Sparrowhawk, “Tales from Earthsea,” 2006, Studio Ghibli Tall grass, by any name, has given safe harbor to my enemies for most of my life. Initially lured to…