Litany of the Saints

Dear friends, In these turbulent times, many of you have been asking how we can be positive and constructive in bringing peace and justice. Besides writing to our representatives, I might recommend tapping into a very powerful resource. During meditation I was reintroduced to holy men and women who dedicated their entire lives to bringing…

What Is Life Showing You Now? 

According to Columbia University researcher and psychologist Dr. Lisa Miller, an Awakened Brain is an aware brain. It is available for new opportunities, surprises or even new information that turns our heads. She writes, “We are not alone. Life is always reaching out to us. Through integrated awareness, we’re available to see, feel, and know life’s hand…

Walking the Cosmos: On Creation & Grandeur

Traversing a Franciscan Hiking Route I’m fortunate enough to work for an employer with a structured (and mandatory) sabbatical policy, so over this past month, I’ve been enjoying the blessing of rest. There’s been plenty of reading, a surprisingly fruitful period of writing, and increased time spent with my family, all without the lingering anxiety…

The Wisdom of Many

An essential principle of ecological spirituality is multi-disciplinary wisdom. It is a phrase that sounds academic and not particularly spiritual. Other words we might use for the same idea are interconnection and interdependence. It means that the path to flourishing for people and the planet has been laid by many hands over thousands of years.…

Just Sitting

Just Sitting is related to the full moon, tides, and that idea that the earth is mostly water and so are we. So I thought it’s not hard to believe that the moon would impact our internal energies and water tides too—if we can tune into them. I call it “just sitting” as this is the…

Wild Moments

“Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, and as vital to our lives as water and good bread. A civilization which destroys what little remains of the wild, the spare, the original, is cutting itself off from its origins and betraying the principle of civilization itself.” ―Edward Abbey, Desert Solitaire…