Prayer for Justice & Healing

At this week’s end, spurred by the presidential inauguration held just two day ago, we may sense a deeper awareness to commit to our personal and communal inaugurations. As we each attune to shifting energies, we offer you this beautiful song and prayer compelling us all to intentionally step forward, reach across personal and communal…

Family Trees

Trees are on my mind these days. This Saturday, we’ll have a Women in Interfaith Dialogue conversation about the trees we’ve known and loved throughout our lives, as well as our spiritual connection with trees personally and within our faith traditions. Then next week (Jan. 25–29) we have a wonderful series of Treasuring Our Trees…


In the midst of seemingly contrasting energies in this country and throughout the world, we may be challenged to know what and how to pray. Nan C. Merrill, Psalm scholar and author of Lumen Christi … Holy Wisdom and Psalms for Praying: An Invitation to Wholeness, encourages prayerful meditation of the challenge to continue to…

Seeking the Divine in the Darkness

In spite of the chaos that unfolds in Washington, D.C., this week, we invite everyone to pray for the country, for leaders, for global citizens and for all of creation. The very first verses of Scripture, Genesis 1:2, inform the three Abrahamic traditions: “The Divine Spirit breathed over the waters of chaos and brought forth…


“Arise in splendor, Jerusalem! Your Light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you!” —Isaiah 60:1 Epiphany (<Gk.epi+phanein, a manifestation, an appearance, a bringing to light) signifies one of the oldest notions of creation from Greek mythology. The primordial god of creation and reproduction in the Orphic cosmogony, Phanes was the progenitor of…

Beginning Again in 2021

The New Year threshold might feel something like a raucous homecoming after what we have all just lived through in 2020. Perhaps like the Prodigal Father of Luke’s famous parable, known for his outrageous welcome and embrace of the Younger Son who has disgraced himself and his family, enraged his righteous Elder Brother, dishonored his…

Who Comes Like the Dawn

“Who is this that grows like the dawn, As beautiful as the full moon, As pure as the sun, As awesome as an army with banners?” —Song of Songs 6:10, New American Bible Love stories are best told with music and poetry, and the best ones sing us with timeless wisdom and beauty. Love stories touch us…