Life After Enlightenment

“Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.” —Zen Proverb In any kind of spiritual practice, whether that be prayer, routine meditation or silent retreat, we might glean sudden wisdom or understanding for something that previously had us feeling stuck. No matter how profound the discovery, life will give…


The topic for the day was “faith journey.” I wrote this poem some time ago for a gathering of the Women in Interfaith Dialogue, a group that has been meeting for many years at Prairiewoods (now virtually). I share it here in honor of the Interfaith Women, hoping that we are finding nourishment for body,…


I have walked the labyrinth at Prairiewoods many times. Each time, the experience offered something new, maybe unexpected, an insight. On one summer morning, several years ago, a butterfly became part of the journey. I have no photographs of that specific day, but the wonderful memory remains.   LABYRINTH The border stones still cool from…

Spark the Way

Lightning bugs spark my way. There in the darkness but unseen in the light. Nature’s light, chaotic and beautiful. Temporary and divine in their definition of impermanence that defines all. Firefly flash in space bright and bold. Cold fire without heat. Advancing and exploring. Here then there but still showing “… the way, and the…

Untitled Poem

Who I am is always happening Always growing or shrinking like a flower Embodying my space, breathing myself into it I envision a sphere of protection around me But who I am and what I do comprise the universe And yet I am always melting into it And at the core of the wax Eternity…