Where the Wild Things Are WILD

When in 1963 Maurice Sendak conceived his now iconic illustrated (children’s) story Where the Wild Things Are, he had no idea how oft-quoted, thought-provoking, spiritually probing and controversial his creation would become. The son of Polish Jewish immigrants who called Maurice vilde chayes—Yiddish for “wild beast”—when he misbehaved, Maurice grew to love writing about and illustrating the experience…

Dwelling in Contemplation

Two recent spiritual reads mirror back the invitation to “dwell” in contemplation. As this incredible home we call Earth accompanies us on yet another whirl around the sun, we may find ourselves spinning in “busyness” and asking, as author Ursula Le Guin does, How am I prioritizing time for prayer, meditation, reflection? Le Guin calls…

Many Voices, Shared Questions

“We must seed a new consciousness … drawing its inspiration from perennial spiritual and moral insights, intuition, and experience. We call this new awareness interspiritual, implying not the homogenization of religion, but the recovering of the shared mystic heart beating in the center of the world’s deepest spiritual traditions.” —Wayne Teasdale, The Mystic Heart The Fetzer Institute published What Does…

Holding Space

Have you heard the phrase holding space? One person can hold space for another by just listening to what they have to say—without judging, without problem-solving, without comparing their experiences. It is a loving, compassionate act. Sometimes holding space can mean literally “holding space,” offering someone a place to be as they sort things out…

Labyrinth as Fractal

Today I walked the labyrinth with a friend for the first time in quite a while. Little did I know that in that one simple act I would experience the fullness and the heart of all that is Prairiewoods. We walked through the woods on the way to the labyrinth, in golden light, and felt…

Let It Be: Re-Wilding Spirituality for the Wider “We”

The concept of “re-wilding” creation takes its cues from a philosophy of “Nature knows best,” by restricting human interference in creation’s own healing as an approach to ecological restoration and wholeness. Eminent biologist E.O. Wilson (1929–2021) had proposed—provocatively—setting aside and protecting half the biosphere for nature to heal and regenerate, and thus restoring balance to a human-befouled…


We all choose our way To embrace or reject The kin of the park The kin of the pack Standing as tall arbor elders Rock jumping as Sierra Fence lizards Not as master or leader, but as collaborative guide of compassion to nurture and hold that which breathes, that breathes the breath of life here…