“We do not emerge from a crisis the same;
we emerge either better or worse.”
To emerge better, we need to
“care for nature so that it can care for us.”—Pope Francis, Earth Day message
This week we celebrate as a global community the sixth anniversary of Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ encyclical on the care of all creation. Resources abound to learn more about how we care for Earth, our common home.
Laudato Si’ Week, May 16–25, invites us to a time for prayer, study and action for a more just and sustainable world. The Laudato Si’ Week website offers prayers and materials, webinars and information on virtual events happening all over the world. Among them is the latest issue of NewsNotes, a chance to read about the new U.S. climate commitments, international efforts to protect the oceans and a Vatican gathering on biodiversity.
As you are called to take action: Urge Congress to take action to promote a just recovery from the global pandemic that will put us on track for a more sustainable future. Sign a petition from the Global Catholic Climate Movement calling on international leaders to take bold action at the upcoming international climate conferences.
Click here to access a prayer for the global Laudato Si’ Day of Prayer on Sunday, May 23.
May we all emerge better.
—Ann Jackson, PBVM, Prairiewoods spiritual services coordinator