Humanity needs a break! Having endured the collective traumas of a protracted pandemic, geo-political discord, global upheaval from climate change, the Sixth Great Extinction, massive military conflicts that threaten fragile efforts at “peace,” terrorism, genocide, racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, hate-driven crimes, eco-cide, and socio-cultural and religious melt-downs, we ALL need a break. We need a collective deep breath, an abatement from misery. Spiritually, we need a cocoon-bursting emergence, a rebirth, a metamorphosis for the ages. And yet, we flounder in the moment. We ghost each other on significant issues that seem too dangerous to be broached, and then “submarine” each other, re-emerging again, pretending nothing is wrong, that nothing of import has been broken among us. Sometimes, we might delude ourselves that if we just ignore X, Y or Z issues, the elephant-in-the-room issues, and appear to be appropriately “nice,” or at least socially copacetic to maintain a public facade, that all shall be well. Not so, the wicked. Not so.
In the Disney smash musical Encanto, lyrics and music by composer Lin-Manuel Miranda, the outrageously hilarious—and sadly poignant—song about an “odd” uncle named Bruno has captivated admirers and imitators throughout the world ( “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” has become a phenomenon likely because our experience of what we conceal, avoid and deny invariably comes through our carefully-sealed walls to haunt and disrupt us. There’s usually an issue, relationship, topic or conflict so uncomfortable that many would rather avoid it altogether, only to discover the truth of what that issue represents influences and seeps through every conceivable crack in our seemingly rock-solid foundation. When we don’t talk about (Bruno) _________ you-know, Bruno finds us and we have to confront our fears anyway. Bruno is a very powerful subconscious mage, if we pay attention. He is the wise fool, the one who tells truths we are often too defensive to hear.
What are we avoiding in our deepest spiritual awareness? Is there some unhealed wound, some trauma that grieves us, some guilt or shame or envy or anger that is creeping its way into the little crevices of our conversations, our behaviors and dramas? What lurks behind the walls, hides in our consciousness and makes us terrified to go deeper? Whatever it is, we need to bring it out into the Light, or “bring Bruno home” as the heroine, Mirabel, proclaims.
Maybe we need to talk about (Bruno) _________ you-know! Now more than ever. At least we might start the conversation with a little bit of courage and trust.
—Laura A. Weber, Ph.D., Prairiewoods associate director and retreats coordinator