Each week I look forward to the Tuesday Prayer Experience Series. It is a special and sacred time, made even more beautiful and powerful by a lovely and unique group of people praying together. All are welcome, and each week we have a unique prayer experience with a unique group of people (some newcomers and some who attend each week). Different each time. And beautiful each time.
A couple of weeks ago, the wise and lovely Emelia Sautter led us in prayerful meditation, sharing the song Let Me Be Brave by Beautiful Chorus. Praying this song as a group was such a moving and harmonious experience. The lines:
Please let me be brave
Please let me see my choices clearly
are sung and repeated for about seven minutes. (Enough time to really be with the words and to feel them on the soul level.) The beauty and authenticity of the prayer song brought release and cleansing tears, and after a few minutes I started singing along. This singing, this hearing of my own voice saying the words and meaning the words brought a new layer of embodied prayer that radiated and glowed inward and outward. This is a prayer I will come back to again and again, at this time and always.
How does it feel to hear this song? How does it feel to pray it, to sing it, to live it?
Each Tuesday from 11:30 a.m. to noon, join the Prayer Experience using the Zoom meeting link (https://zoom.us/j/739543244?pwd=QnBXZURsQnpuSFNFZG91ZkRoUVY3dz09). If prompted, enter meeting ID 739 543 244 and password 042717.
—Angie Pierce Jennings, Prairiewoods hosted groups and hospitality coordinator