Dear friends,
In these turbulent times, many of you have been asking how we can be positive and constructive in bringing peace and justice. Besides writing to our representatives, I might recommend tapping into a very powerful resource. During meditation I was reintroduced to holy men and women who dedicated their entire lives to bringing us the peace and justice that we now enjoy. Their power and energy can help us now if we call on them. Remember, we need to ask for their help.
John Becker has a wonderful Litany of the Saints available online. (Click here to listen.) It is beautiful. It helps me stay focused. Remember to add all the modern-day saints like Martin Luther King and other Civil Rights leaders. I love it when they say “All ye holy men and women of God.” It makes me think of all my holy family and friends who are now deceased and gave of their goodness to us. Their energy is still so powerful and they will help us. Do pray this litany with me and many others. They will help us. We will unleash an atomic bomb of love!
—Sister Nancy Hoffman, FSPA
Sister Nancy is one of Prairiewoods’ foundresses and still offers massage and healing touch. She also offers guidance in countless areas, including in matters related to these sacred grounds.
image by Angie Pierce Jennings