As we approach the beginning of a new year, I’ve been reflecting on simple actions that might just impact the state of the world. Jeremy Lent, a past speaker at Prairiewoods’ Spirituality in the 21st Century, extended an invitation to do just that! We invite you to engage his Pause for Peace. It’s simple! Stand daily in silence for two minutes at 11 a.m. While standing, hold a sign or a symbol of peace, if you like.
Consider joining this global, non-violent, spiritual practice of transformation. Let’s increase our awareness of the impact of our collective energy. What peace might you stand for? Earth’s life amid escalating devastation? Peace of people whose basic needs aren’t being met? Peace for the land and people in war-torn countries? Peace for your neighborhood? Peace for a family member with whom you experience breach of relationship? Peace for all who struggle with emotional or psychological instability?
For more information, see
Let’s embody and radiate deep peace in the new year!
—Ann Jackson, PBVM
Image is by Aia Fernandez on Flickr