Prairiewoods recently completed our eleventh annual year-long retreat called Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (SEEL). On the closing day in May, participants were invited to reflect and write about their experiences with God through SEEL. Here is the loving, awe-filled prayer from one participant:
O Creator of the majestic universe! Out of nothing you loved into motion evolving beauty, sacred mystery, all-encompassing Love. God within, among and beyond. I will never fully comprehend your wondrous works. Still, I sit silently among the trees soaking in all their God-wisdom, gaze into the night sky, am calmed by the babbling brook and tell others of your splendor and abundant goodness. I bow before you with gratitude and praise on my lips. My heart is profoundly stirred by your synchronicities within life experiences. I am overwhelmed by your compassion and mercy. Your loving gaze toward me is constant, your gentle outstretched arms hold onto me where I go, even as I turn away from you. You are always wanting only to love me. In the shadows of my life I cry out to you. You faithfully hear and answer my heart-cries beyond my wildest hopes. You enfold me in your Love, welcoming me, a wandering daughter, Home.
Embraced in the safety of your shelter may I let go of that which keeps me from living the truth of who I am in You. Through You, may I know my connection to All. With Divinely infused courage may I risk offering you my everything. And in co-creation with You, may I be Your loving hands and feet to all I meet. Amen
—Dianne Brenneman, SEEL 11 participant
Thanks to Ty Romijn for the beautiful picture he took at Prairiewoods!