Peruse news headlines—local, national, international. What do you sense? Division? Exclusion? Inclusion? Violence? Interconnection? Peace? Local? Global?
Our hope and prayer; sacred texts Bible, Torah, Quran; liturgical seasons, solstice and equinox rhythms; … continually invite us to metanoia, meaning “a change of heart.” Take heart! Transformation is as close to us as the tip of our consciousness!
Two California authors, Benjamin Grant and Timothy Dougherty, in their book, Overview Timelapse: How We Change the Earth, submit that it “is not too late” to engage solutions that can both care for Earth and move humans and all of creation “toward a more harmonious relationship.”
May we each deepen our awareness that each daily decision we make contributes to such harmony.
—Ann Jackson, PBVM, Prairiewoods spiritual services coordinator