This Black Life Matters

Nine years ago, my husband and I moved from Chicago to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to be closer to family. Several weeks after we moved here, we went to a popular family-run breakfast restaurant. We waited in line for a table, only to have the four parties behind us get seated while we were ignored. When…

Interesting Times

“Hope is holding in creative tension all that is, with everything that could and should be, and each day taking some action to narrow the distance between the two.” —Parker J. Palmer “May you live in interesting times” is supposedly an ancient curse, although its origins are foggy. Still, we know why it is called…

Words for Today

NOT Domination. Cooperation. Collaboration. Co-Creation. Connection. Communion. We grow deeper together. We are One. Like the vast mycelial network connecting the trees beneath the surface, we are One. In the words of ecologian Thomas Berry, “That the universe is a communion of subjects rather than a collection of objects is the central commitment of the…

Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration Take Action to Honor George Floyd & Dismantle White Privilege

Prairiewoods’ mission, to welcome and provide sacred space for people of all faiths and cultures and to nurture relationships with the Source of All Being, Earth, self and others, includes everyone. Further, our Franciscan heritage calls us to reverence the Divine Presence within all creation, including each member of the Earth Community. It is because…

Love & Say It with Your Life

“Love and say it with your life.” —Augustine of Hippo A recent Saturday afternoon found me driving along gravel roads in rural Benton County, hungry for sites other than the four walls I’ve been staring at for weeks during this spring of self-isolation. I was listening to a podcast called Snap Judgement, and an episode…


Imagine you are a student sitting in a classroom. Look around your classroom. Who do you see? Where is your desk? Where does your teacher stand? We know the typical scene well. Students are seated at desks in parallel rows facing the front of the room. The teacher stands at the front of the room.…

In Search of Truth: Satyagrapha

“Satyagrapha. Satyagrapha. Satyagrapha …” Our global prayer of lament these months echoes a resounding, world-wide plea for satyagrapha, meaning “truth force.” Engaging this energy of passive political resistance has been advocated by many activists throughout history, particularly noted was Mahatma Gandhi in liberating India from oppressive power. Today the pandemic invites us to yet another…