Wholehearted Living

If you’re like me, you have that one friend or relative who doesn’t seem to be constrained by what others think, about looking cool or being perfect. They cultivate gratitude and joy and are compassionate with themselves and others. They are truly happy. Dr. Brené Brown calls them “the wholehearted.” She is a researcher, professor,…


Inspirited with gratitude during this beautiful month of November, poised in the season of harvest, deeply breathing the crisp air that animates our anticipation of the holiday season, we long for grounding. Grounding energy invites us to hold our center amid these tumultuous times and difficult decisions swirling about how and with whom we will…

Blessings Around Us

As I sit in my basement listening (or trying not to listen) to the sounds of hammering as the roof of my home is being replaced post-derecho, I think to myself, I’m so glad I talked to Sister Nancy today. How many times have I had that thought over the years? How many times have…

Life After Enlightenment

“Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.” —Zen Proverb In any kind of spiritual practice, whether that be prayer, routine meditation or silent retreat, we might glean sudden wisdom or understanding for something that previously had us feeling stuck. No matter how profound the discovery, life will give…

We Can Do This Hard Thing

I know we’re weary. I know we’re worried. I know we’re impatiently waiting for an answer we’d hoped would come quickly and decisively. This whole year has been about waiting and worrying and being oh-so-weary in the face of an unprecedented global pandemic. For those of us in the Cedar Rapids area, the last three…