Life After Enlightenment

“Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.” —Zen Proverb In any kind of spiritual practice, whether that be prayer, routine meditation or silent retreat, we might glean sudden wisdom or understanding for something that previously had us feeling stuck. No matter how profound the discovery, life will give…

We Can Do This Hard Thing

I know we’re weary. I know we’re worried. I know we’re impatiently waiting for an answer we’d hoped would come quickly and decisively. This whole year has been about waiting and worrying and being oh-so-weary in the face of an unprecedented global pandemic. For those of us in the Cedar Rapids area, the last three…

Deep Breaths

What is it about taking a deep breath that settles everything? A deep, full-belly breath is like touching a reset button somewhere inside. When I do this, I instantly feel calmer and more relaxed. I remember my psychology professor sister telling me once that taking deep diaphragmatic breaths stimulates the vagus nerve. My artistic self…

The Earth, Sun, Moon & Me

I walked that early morning path of stillness and embraced that felt comfort of expansive solitude, the moist air, and wind-inspired whispering trees. Looking left and right, what should I see, but two shadows there beside me. Walking in lock step. How could this be, how could this be? It just isn’t natural. It just…

Requiem for Olde Maple

Two drops of spring sap, pinched out along high branch, hang side by side, catch March sun. With fiercely sparkling crystal tears the elderly maple, weeps. Each drop falls reluctantly, from limbs above, felled one by one, inch by inch. Mutual Wake ache reveals our ingrained bond. —Mary Martin Lane, friend of Prairiewoods (photo by Jenifer…

Living in the Moment

“It feels as though time is evaporating …” and ”I hope we are learning and will be different on the other side of this pandemic …” Many and varied expressions of these sentiments echo our collective experience of “pandemic fatigue.” The way we live our lives each day affects how we perceive the passage of…