All Shall Be Well

I’ve been slowly reading a lovely book called Lectio Divina—The Sacred Art: Transforming Words & Images into Heart-Centered Prayer by Christine Valters Paintner. Lectio divina, which means divine reading, involves experiencing sacred text and then listening with the heart for a word or phrase that calls out to you. It is a process that Valters…

Learning to Be Silent

There is a story of four friends who met in school where they studied meditation. One day, they made a pact to observe absolute silence for seven days. On the first day all were silent. Their meditation had begun auspiciously, but when night came and the oil lamps were growing dim one of the pupils…

Grieving and the Coronavirus

Losses and the Coronavirus, and Grieving: The ways in which our lives have changed and are changing in reaction to the coronavirus involve many losses and the normal, healthy response of grieving. The sense of certainty and predictability that helps us feel safe and secure has, in so many ways, dissolved into the experience of…

Meditate Like a Rock

Earth and its solar system are nearly 14 billion years old, and rocks are one of Earth’s oldest residents. Rocks are natural formations made up of one or more minerals—the same minerals that formed Earth, the stars, even us! Over millions of years, these minerals bonded together because of heat and pressure. They were shaped…

Breathing to Heal

“Breathe deeply, until sweet air extinguishes the burn of fear in your lungs and every breath is a beautiful refusal to become anything less than infinite.” —D. Antoinette Foy   Lovely and evocative words, but if the advice to breathe isn’t working for you, I completely get it. If you’re like me and being told…

Drawing Hope

The family who lives on the corner is busy with their sidewalk chalk, writing friendly messages and drawing rainbows and smiley faces in pretty pastel colors of yellow, pink, light green, baby blue and lavender. They do this, even with rain in the forecast. As I walk along their sidewalk squares I read: We Are…

Earthening & the Grandeur of God

Earthening & the Grandeur of God Ashes and palm-branches Bookends of Lent Earthening, homing, lengthening, soul-ing Pruning what’s lifeless and spent “Remember Ha-damah (Adam), that you are dust, And unto dust you shall return…” Springtime resurgence Pandemic begone! Deepening, flowing, strengthening, groaning When will we welcome the dawn? “Hosanna! Hosanna! Blessed is the One who…